The Top 7 Best Myths about Software Testing

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The role of software testing in the development process cannot be overstated. It is vital to recognize the significance of software testing. Yet, some companies still avoid utilizing in-house QA or third-party services. This reluctance is often rooted in misconceptions about quality assurance. Let’s debunk these myths in this blog post.

Misconception 1. You can get an absolutely perfect software with no bugs

Numerous companies are under the impression that the primary aim of any developing company is to craft impeccable software. Nevertheless, is it actually feasible? Does flawless software truly exist?


It’s a fact that creating a flawless solution or detecting every single bug in a program is an impossible task. There’s no software out there that doesn’t have its flaws, and it’s important to accept this reality. Software testing is an ongoing process that never truly concludes. To achieve optimal results, it’s necessary to wait patiently for the QA team to complete their software testing procedures. Building a perfect service requires months, and sometimes even years, of dedicated testing, day and night. However, it’s worth noting that what may seem flawless to one user may not be perceived the same way by another.

Have you ever noticed that nothing is completely perfect? This applies to software as well. By bringing in QA professionals, you can improve your chances of catching and resolving major bugs that could greatly affect your solution’s performance.

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Misconception 2. Software testing is nothing but an extension to software development

There is a prevailing belief among officials and leaders across various industries that software development and software testing share identical processes. Moreover, they hold the view that developers can adequately test their own products. Furthermore, many professionals mistakenly assume that developers and QAs possess similar skills and knowledge. However, this perception is simply not true.


QA engineers and developers frequently possess distinct sets of skills, backgrounds, and educational qualifications.

Many experts excel at creating apps, yet struggle to test them quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, numerous skilled QA professionals lack coding abilities. These are distinct professions.

Expert testers are well-versed in software testing concepts and QA methodologies that developers may not know about. In contrast, developers usually stick to basic testing procedures and overlook crucial methods like chaos engineering and negative testing.

Misconception 3. Testing is a quick and painless task

Testing is often seen as a straightforward task that anyone, regardless of experience, can handle. But is this really the case?


The QA process demands exceptional software testing skills, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and software development knowledge. Additionally, it requires specialized education, courses, and certifications. It’s important to note that many bugs are not easily detectable. Most QA experts employ a combination of manual and automated testing to achieve optimal results.

However, effective QA testing involves utilizing various QA terms like functional software testing, non-functional testing, performance testing, exploratory testing, regression testing, and ‘Black-Box’ testing. These terms are comprehensible and executable only by certified and professional testers. Moreover, seeking assistance from crowd testers is often crucial to ensure the app functions well on different devices, carriers, and is free from linguistic errors. By the way, creating a clear bug report or understanding a ‘test case’ is not as straightforward as it may initially appear.

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Misconception 4.  Quality control is the primary goal of software testing

Quality control is a key aspect of a tester’s role. However, QA professionals also engage in various activities to ensure the highest quality of the product?


Quality control plays a crucial role in the work of any QA professional. However, these experts are involved in many other important tasks as well. Firstly, they develop automated tests to expedite the QA process. As new features are constantly introduced in the app, it becomes essential to update these automated tests accordingly. Secondly, QAs utilize various software and supporting platforms to ensure the best software testing practices.

Installing and maintaining such software also demands a significant amount of time. Lastly, a skilled QA expert contributes to the creation of the organization’s quality standards, procedures, internal audits, and test plans, all aimed at delivering the best possible product.

Testers often offer valuable suggestions on enhancing the current software, making it faster, more reliable, and user-friendly.

Misconception 5. Testing is very costly

Lots of companies choose to employ internal QA teams. But, is it more cost-effective than outsourcing or crowd software testing services?


Hiring an internal QA can often be more costly and time-consuming compared to using third-party testing services. Regardless of whether you require testing or not, you will still need to pay the salary of an in-house professional. On top of that, there are additional expenses such as social benefits, bonuses, office space, computers/devices, meals, travel, and more. Thankfully, crowd testing solutions offer a solution when you need to quickly and flexibly scale your QA software testing.

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These services are affordable and allow you to utilize crowdsourced testing only when necessary. Moreover, crowd testing provides you with an experienced project manager who oversees the entire testing process and acts as an extension of your own team. Many companies prefer crowd testing services as it helps them significantly reduce their R&D budget while benefiting from the expertise of numerous unbiased testers.

Misconception 6. Testers can break the software code

For some developing companies, the decision to start using testing services can be a bit daunting due to concerns about the QA process potentially harming their code. If you find yourself in this situation, here’s a fact that might put your mind at ease regarding the final product or service.


QA engineers are experts in their field, known for their exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to accuracy and precision. Their role primarily revolves around testing the product without making any modifications to the code or introducing new features. If you have any concerns about this matter, you can discuss it and include it in the agreement with the testing company.

Misconception 7. Everything needs to be automated

Software testing can only be done through automation. Machines are capable of completing all tasks without the need for human intervention. Is this statement a myth or reality?


As of now, there is no QA technology that can entirely replace manual testing. Automated tests are limited to checking predetermined functions and options. In automation testing, repetitive scripts are executed repeatedly, which can lead to the omission of both major and minor bugs. Manual testing, on the other hand, empowers human testers to extract valuable insights from tests that automated testing programs might overlook. Furthermore, manual testing allows testers to perform various types of tests to ensure the app operates perfectly.

Manual testing is essential for conducting ‘random testing’ and receiving subjective feedback on your product. This is how you can gather authentic “customer experience feedback” and gain insight into user-friendliness from actual users.

In conclusion

Testing is a complex process that should be carried out by experienced professionals.

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